Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Extra Tips to Gain an Audience’s Attention

The technique the presenter uses to deliver the message to the audience in a presentation is made up of three components. The visual, vocal, and verbal. These components determine the posture, gesture, eyes, and facial expressions of the presenter.

Posture and Gestures:
The posture is relevant to gain the attention of the audience. The way you act and behave on the platform is an important part of your presentation. The idea is to be relaxed and comfortable during the presentation. The goal is to make the audience believe you have the control of the presentation.

It is necessary to stand up straight and face the audience. Maintaining the posture with palms facing towards your body is recommended. Hold your head up with the chin up gives the appearance of having control over yourself.

Gestures are hands, arms, and head movements and can improve your presentation. The idea of having good gestures during presentation is to gain the audience and keep it interest in the topic. The presenter needs to communicate with honesty and authenticity.

Some gestures to avoid in a presentation are putting hands in the pockets. Nervous speakers do this without realizing they are doing it.
Avoid crossing your arms. This gesture focuses your energy in your body instead of releasing it. It makes harder being able to reach the audience.
Gestures help you to highlight important facts during a presentation. The most effective gestures are the spontaneous ones.

Good Posture and Gestures
Bad Posture and Gestures

Eyes and Facial Expressions:
Make eye contact with the audience, the way they look at you during a presentation will help to perform as a presenter. When making eye contact, you are involving the audience, which will help get the message transmitted.

Your facial expressions are important. It is helpful to smile during a presentation in order to keep the audience. In a presentation remember that you never get a second opportunity to make a first impression.

Good Facial Expressions will make you gain and keep an audience

Posted by Marjorie Brody, 2010 from “Presentation Pointers”

Summarized by Francisco Guevara.

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